Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily – 20 SURPRISING Reasons!

Why does my girlfriend get so mad at me so easily?  Sounds absolutely frustrating, am I right?

You might also feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells around her and that can be hard.

I bet it also feels hard for you to speak to someone else about it. You might even consider ending things with her because you are at such a low point.

Well, I am here to share with you why this happens in your relationship and share some useful strategies to overcome this problem in your love life.

So, let’s get to it!


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Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily – 20 Reasons

1. Stress

I remember when I was working a crazy management consulting job. I was pulling in easily 18-hour days the entire week. It was deadline after deadline.

The intense stress not only affected my physical well-being – I was anorexic from skipping my meals but it had affected my relationship.

I remember being so annoyed at everything my boyfriend would do. I could see this was breaking his spirit and yet I couldn’t help myself.


Because I was in intense pain emotionally and wanted him to feel the same.

The result – he ended up dumping me.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

 2. Lack Of Self Esteem

She could be suffering from poor self-esteem. So she thrives on being mean to you and getting mad at every single thing.

3. Poor Communication

She thinks by being angry at you – you will get why she is angry. Well, a girlfriend needs to learn a thing or two about effective communication.

It is unfair to expect your partner to know how exactly you feel before attempting to fix the relationship.

4. Testing You

Due to her past trauma/ childhood issues, she might be trying to see whether you are willing to go the distance with her.

She is pushing your buttons just to get a reaction out of her. Maybe in the past, people leave at the first sign of trouble so she wants to ensure you are worth her time and effort.

Strange and ineffective way of loving someone but people still do it.

5. Lacks Emotional Maturity

I came from a background where my parents used to yell at each other and say mean things. I hated it but also thought that was the norm.

When I entered into a relationship with my boyfriend, I learned what true emotional maturity is. He would never engage in fights and instead kept his calm by being silent.

I realized at that moment that he had strong emotional regulation and was able to handle himself very well despite being in a stressful situation.

I then began aspiring to be just like him by slowly changing my selfish ways.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

6. She Feels Insecure

This relates to her testing you because she fears abandonment. Her being mean is a reflection of her and not you.

7. Is It Really In Your Head

Are you overthinking things? Has she always been this way? Maybe this was her all along and you just suddenly realized she is different but this is the same girl you fell for.

Well, I am here to tell you that it’s okay to suddenly realize this isn’t the relationship you want for your future.

8. You Make Mistakes

Hey, we all make mistakes in our relationship but maybe she feels frustrated that you are not taking the time to correct it.

As a result, maybe you keep repeating it and there is no other way to tell you other than to get mad to show you how serious she is.

9. Mental Health Issues

Could she be bipolar or schizophrenic? A lot of people nowadays are riddled with undiagnosed mental health issues. She might need you to help her get the care she needs.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

10. Hormonal

Hormones play a huge role in a woman’s mood. These are factors beyond her control. If you want to understand her, learn about her hormone fluctuations.

Understand when she will need more care and love and understand where she could use some space and distance.

There is a great podcast that you can listen to help you navigate your relationship better.

11. Influence

The five closest people you spend time with really determine your life. I am not sure who she is hanging out with but you might have to wonder if they are positive influences in her life.

She might just be affected by their poor behavior and accept that as the norm.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

12. Boredom

So, why does my girlfriend get mad at me so easily?

I know you must be thinking, why boredom? But hold on to that thought here, she might be purposely being mean for the sake of it just to spice things up in your relationship.

In other words, maybe she is addicted to the drama where you reach out to her, apologise, and then get back together.

It is a vicious cycle and one that is unhealthy.

13. You Are Not Giving Her Enough Attention

Have you been spending quality time with her?

I am not talking about a cinema date here but one where you both intentionally engage in deep and meaningful conversation. She could be mean so that she can capture your attention.

14. Control Freak

Could she be a control freak? Does she always want to get the last word in and win every argument you have as a couple? Maybe she is built that way.

15. Bitterness And Resentment

Another answer to why does my girlfriend get mad at me so easily is bitterness and resentment.

There might be a lot of unresolved issues between the both of you. You might not be aware of it because she doesn’t verbalize it.

Her temporary action is to be mean to you with the hopes that you will get it.

16. No Future Plans

You could just be a placeholder. The guy before she meets The One. So she treats you like garbage because she doesn’t see a future with you.

17. She Has No Idea She Is Angry

She might not even realize that she is treating you poorly unless you speak to her about it openly and honestly.

18. She Might Need Space

Maybe she feels overwhelmed and is trying to distance herself from you. This is why she might be irritable and angry all the time.

19. She Thinks You Are Not Worthy Of Her

She might think you deserve this treatment because you are less than her and are not worth her time.

20. She Is A Sociopath

Some people truly enjoy hurting others without any empathy. If that is the case, you might want to look up sociopath behaviors to check if she exhibits any of those signs and if so, you might want to give this relationship up.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily – 7 Strategies To Help

1. Inject Fun

Look, I know it can be hard to even think of having fun after feeling like you have to walk around eggshells with her. But you never know if this can shift the focus away from your problems.

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Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

2. Give Her A Breather

Offer up some space so that she and you can get a breather. For all you know, she comes to her senses and learns to appreciate you more.

3. Remain Calm

This is a tough one because you have the urge to fight back when she gives you a hard time. But where does that ever lead to? Are more hurtful words being hurled at each other?

That would be damaging to both your spirits.

Perhaps you can try a few breathing exercises that can provide a relaxing response instead.

4. Level Up Your Intimacy

This might be hard to do given the fact that you are also angry at her for treating you like a rag doll but hear me out.

Her behavior could be a cry for help. So try to spice things up in the bedroom to boost your intimacy with each other.

5. Analyse The Situation

Are there any triggers that set her off? Are your actions contributing to her poor behavior? Try to look at things objectively to see how best to improve the relationship.

Do note that you can’t always control her actions – only yours.

6. Consider Counselling

I know most people think that you have to be married to be in counseling sessions but what if I told you that going for counseling pre-marriage builds a stronger foundation?

The counselor/ therapist will leave you with practical tips and strategies to improve your relationship. And these can be tools you take with you long after the session ends.

Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

7. Consider Separation

It is important to recognize your self-worth and value. You cannot control her at all. You can just demonstrate what it is like to live a life of great virtue and respect.

If any of these strategies fail to work, I suggest ending things now. It might not be what you might want to hear but it might just be what you need.

Conclusion For Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

I hope you now have a better understanding of the topic of why my girlfriend gets mad at me so easily.

Relationships are hard and challenges are meant to grow you both. These are also one of many bumps you will have in your relationship

So focus on working on your relationship if she is willing to put in the work as well and soon enough you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Do send me a comment or two if anything I said resonates with you or if you have other helpful suggestions/ strategies that could benefit another guy.

All the best in your journey!

FAQs On Why Does My Girlfriend Get Mad At Me So Easily

What Does It Mean When A Girl Gets Mad At You Easily?

She feels entitled to have her way. Rather than take accountability and responsibility for her own feelings – she puts herself in a victim mode.

This is why it is easy for her to take it out on you and be mad all the time. She also feels like things rarely go her way.

Does Anger Mean She Cares?

Anger may not necessarily indicate care or love, but rather annoyance of frustration at the relationship.

So many factors may come into play such as unmet expectations, miscommunications or personal issues that may be related to the partnership itself.

It is important to ask her why she is behaving that way.

What Makes A Girl So Angry?

A girl might feel frustrated and angry when they feel their partners do not fulfill their expectations of what a good partner should be.

For example, being emotionally supportive or sharing household chores equally. Lack of unresolved communication issues also leads to a rise in bitterness and rage for women.

Do Guys Know When They Hurt A Girl?

A man will show signs he is sorry for hurting you or signs he knows he has hurt you if he is a genuinely good man.

They will often feel emotions such as anger, guilt, self-loath, fear and frustration. So be sure to also be kind to him in return.

Why Do I Get So Angry Over Little Things In A Relationship?

Because they act as a trigger for unresolved trauma or inner child wounds.

When you come across these triggers, you might feel like you are back in the past. It might be overwhelming to experience the same feelings.

It is your body’s protective response to ensure you are not put in the same situation again.

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