signs of a godly man

30 Signs Of A Godly Man – Your One Stop Guide (2024)

Are you looking for signs of a godly man?

I know the search hasn’t always been so easy. It can even be frustrating when you do not have a yardstick to measure what a Godly man is.

Having the wrong partner can have a significant impact on your heart and emotional health. 

It can ruin your life and those around you if you are not careful.

But worry not, I will walk you through 30 signs that the person you are dating/ person you are interested in is indeed a godly man.

Dating a man who is filled with faith and leads a Christ-like life will only benefit your life and those around you.


Because he serves as a reminder of what to be, how to behave etc. He will also set an amazing example for your children!

So, let’s get on with it!


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Table Of Contents
  1. What Is A Godly Man?
  2. 30 Signs Of A Godly Man
  3. 1. He Respects Your Honor
  4. 2. He Makes Sacrifices For The Betterment Of Others
  5. 3. He Forgives Easily
  6. 4. He Has A Joyful Heart
  7. 5. He Encourages You To Stay Close To The Lord
  8. 6. He Can Humble Himself And Always Seeks To Learn
  9. 7. He Loves Others Just As Much As He Loves Himself
  10. 8. He Prays Over You And Your Loved Ones
  11. 9. He Reminds You That God Is A Priority In The Relationship
  12. 10. He Is Generous With His Time For Others
  13. 11. He Uses Words To Build Others Up
  14. 12. He Is A Man Of Integrity
  15. 13. He Is The First To Admit When He Is Wrong
  16. 14. He Values His Partner As His Better Half
  17. 15. He Is Disciplined At Work And In His Personal Life
  18. 16. He Never Gives Up In Troubling Times
  19. 17. He Leads A Chaste Life While Awaiting His Bride
  20. 18. He Reminds You That You Are A Gift From God
  21. 19. He Doesn’t Shy Away From Marriage
  22. 20. He Is Responsible To Himself And The Community Around Him
  23. 21. He Works Hard To Prepare For A Lifetime With You
  24. 22. He Obeys God’s Word
  25.  23. He Is Respectful To His Family And Loved Ones
  26.  24. He Keeps His Mind And Body Sharp
  27.  25. He Keeps His Heart Pure
  28.  26. He Treats You Differently
  29. 27. He Chooses To Be Emotionally Intimate With You
  30. 28. He Reminds You To Love Yourself Unconditionally
  31. 29. Signs Of A Godly Man Is That He Makes You Better
  32. 30. He Is Kind And Always Thoughtful To Those Less Deserving Than Him
  33. Signs Of A Godly Man (Frequently Asked Questions)
  34. How Do You Know A Genuine Man Of God
  35. What Do Godly Men Look For In A Woman
  36. How Do You Know If A Person Is Genuine
  37. What Is The Character Of A Godly Man?
  38. How Does A Godly Relationship Look Like?
  39. Conclusion

What Is A Godly Man?

The definition of a godly man is someone who is deeply religious and pays attention to the rules of his faith.

He not only knows the ins and outs of the Bible but also understands when and how to practice his beliefs.

He strives to do the right thing even when it is hard. He often spends time developing his faith either by attending religious classes or weekly ministry events.

signs of a godly man

30 Signs Of A Godly Man

1. He Respects Your Honor

In today’s world, it’s so hard to find someone that respects your body and your mind.

You want to hold on to a guy who respects the boundary and self-love you set for yourself and your future marriage.

For some, it might mean saving themselves for their wedding day with their spouse.

Regardless of the boundary, you choose to hold, a godly man will honor it as he respects you.

2. He Makes Sacrifices For The Betterment Of Others

As someone who always focuses on the higher being, he might be the kind of person who is constantly making sacrifices so that others may benefit.

He is just one of those generous souls you would be lucky to have in your life!

signs of a godly man

3. He Forgives Easily

Just as how God has forgiven us for all our trespasses, someone who is deeply spiritual will find it easier to forgive you whenever you make a mistake.

As his love for you is unconditional. These are some of the signs that a godly man is pursuing you.

4. He Has A Joyful Heart

To be a godly man is to be joyful. He knows that eternal Heaven is there for him and thus has a sunny disposition towards life.

He also carries this infectious spirit to those around him and they can’t get enough of him either!

signs of a godly man

5. He Encourages You To Stay Close To The Lord

In a relationship, it is hard not to stray from the path that the Lord has designed.

But with someone who wants to constantly honor God, he constantly supports you in your faith journey.

For example, taking you to your various church meetings or even simply attending Mass with you (despite having attended it before).

6. He Can Humble Himself And Always Seeks To Learn

He realizes mistakes happen and is always finding ways to rectify them and find better ways to a problem/ situation.

He is also ever ready to learn from others and doesn’t feel ashamed when he falls short of his standards in life.

signs of a godly man

7. He Loves Others Just As Much As He Loves Himself

He pays close attention to those around him and treats them with the loving respect they deserve.

Whether it be his family or strangers.

8. He Prays Over You And Your Loved Ones

He takes the time to pray for your well-being as he prioritizes your relationship more than anything (besides God). He often thinks of your well-being.

signs of a godly man

9. He Reminds You That God Is A Priority In The Relationship

While it’s easy for relationships to go wayward, your godly partner and more Christ-like will remind you of your ultimate goal which is to serve God.

Prioritizing Him in your relationship will only lead to a more successful and meaningful life.

10. He Is Generous With His Time For Others

Not only does he make time for you but he also invests his time to build other people up by being a listening ear, helping them with anything they may need, etc.

This goes to show what an independent person is and how he has built a great life outside your relationship.

11. He Uses Words To Build Others Up

“Sticks and stones may break me but words will never hurt me”

Is there truth to that? If so, surely no one of us would ever be hurt by something someone says, right?

Words have amazing power over someone’s spirit and as someone who is godlike, he will exercise great caution over the use of his words.

So that it can be focused on positivity which will inspire those around him.

12. He Is A Man Of Integrity

Honesty is a trait this man possesses close to his heart.

This will come in handy when you go through different seasons in life where you will need to trust your partner more than anything.

13. He Is The First To Admit When He Is Wrong

Let’s admit it. Mistakes (no matter how grave) will happen in your relationship.

You want someone who will own up to it and take accountability for their actions. Only then can both parties move forward toward a common resolution.

signs of a godly man

14. He Values His Partner As His Better Half

Here, he truly appreciates your inner thoughts, and ideas and respects you for who you are and not who he wants you to be.

After all, he looks to you as a child of God who has been made in His image.

15. He Is Disciplined At Work And In His Personal Life

Discipline is very important for a decent man.

This is because there will be many times when he may be influenced by his volatile emotions about a matter.

However, having a strong sense of goals and purpose will ensure he doesn’t stray from his path to inner enlightenment with Jesus.

signs of a godly man

16. He Never Gives Up In Troubling Times

As someone who looks to Jesus for his suffering, you can rest assured that a godly man never gives up during troubled times.

He will be there right next to you working through relationship or life issues, trusting that God will lead you to a better journey.

17. He Leads A Chaste Life While Awaiting His Bride

Just as how he respects your honor, he respects his too. He stays holy and virginal till he finds the right person that he wishes to walk down the aisle with.

How He Stays Chaste:

– commits to you and only you

– sets boundaries

– avoids alone time with you

– gets support from his family and friends

– avoid getting into depths of intimacy

– stays out of the bedroom

– dresses modestly

– reminds you of the ultimate goal of marriage

– finds other ways of showing his love for you

18. He Reminds You That You Are A Gift From God

By honoring and constantly respecting you, he is reminding you what a precious gift you are from God.

19. He Doesn’t Shy Away From Marriage

He believes in the sanctity of marriage and wants to make you his wife in the eyes of God.

He is not afraid of the hard work and responsibility that comes with raising a family with you.

20. He Is Responsible To Himself And The Community Around Him

He leads a life of responsibility, always taking ownership of his own life and ensuring others also lead a life that is close to it.

signs of a godly man

21. He Works Hard To Prepare For A Lifetime With You

He spends his time diligently building a home with you.

Working hard is nothing new to him as he wishes to give you everything your heart desires for a lifetime of commitment and love.

22. He Obeys God’s Word

He listens faithfully to God and his principles. He does his best to practice what he reads to live a more fulfilled life.

 23. He Is Respectful To His Family And Loved Ones

One of the signs of a godly man is when he is respectful to his family as they were the ones who have been there since the start.

He is constantly ensuring they are kept comfortable and have an amazing relationship with them.

Remember that this also sets the tone for your future family relationship with him.

signs of a godly man

 24. He Keeps His Mind And Body Sharp

He works out frequently to ensure his mind and body are fit for any challenges that may come his way.

The mental clarity that exercise provides is irreplaceable.

This is also another way of showing God how much he appreciates the body and soul that were given to him at birth.

 25. He Keeps His Heart Pure

He stays away from toxic media to keep his mind pure. He spends time reading the Word of God so that he can be a better person every single day.

 26. He Treats You Differently

No one else has treated you the way he has. He ensures his manners are well-kept and is constantly respectful to you and your loved ones.

27. He Chooses To Be Emotionally Intimate With You

He doesn’t open up to everyone about his inner workings. Only you are given the privilege to be right next to him where he is emotionally intimate.

How To Be Emotionally Intimate With Each Other:

– Work On Being An Engaged Listener

– Work On Difficult Problems As A Team

– Create A Safe Space For Conversation

– Avoid Rushing The Process

28. He Reminds You To Love Yourself Unconditionally

He ensures you do not take – well YOU for granted.

Most people lose themselves in a relationship but a godly man will remind you to practice self-love and self-care so that you can be your best self.

29. Signs Of A Godly Man Is That He Makes You Better

Being with him just makes you want to be better all the time.

There is something about his burning desire and ambition to build a future with you. It’s both godly and somewhat sexy.

signs of a godly man

30. He Is Kind And Always Thoughtful To Those Less Deserving Than Him

He is very self-aware of the privileges he enjoys.

And is constantly looking for ways to give back to the community by volunteering at shelters or helping out at a soup kitchen nearby.

Signs Of A Godly Man (Frequently Asked Questions)

How Do You Know A Genuine Man Of God

He does not manipulate if he is a genuine man of God. He preaches the word of God and keeps you accountable to his faith. He is also known by his integrity.

In Matthew 7:15, Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets who may come to you in sheep’s clothings but be ravenous wolves”.

What Do Godly Men Look For In A Woman

Confident women is what godly men look for.

These men look for a sense of purpose that goes beyond outward physical appearance but comes from a heart that rests in God. 

This confidence that comes from within is attractive to godly men as it does not look to others for affirmation.

How Do You Know If A Person Is Genuine

Courtesy, consideration and treat others with kindness irrespective of differences are common characteristics of a genuine person.

They avoid gossiping, behaving disrespectfully and belittling others around them even if they do not like them.

How they go about life is a reflection of the deep respect and worthiness they have for someone else.

What Is The Character Of A Godly Man?

Desires to spend time hearing God’s word and praying to him and loves God.

He views people as God’s beautiful creation. A godly man also points others towards creating a life with God.

He is not a perfect believer person but he realizes that his imperfections exist and he needs God’s grace.

How Does A Godly Relationship Look Like?

When you can become each other’s confidantes emotionally. You can share your deepest secrets and desires without feeling judged.

You will be focused on growing your emotional intimacy in the same way as your physical intimacy.

A godly relationship will also bring you closer to serving and honoring Him all the days of your life.


Well, one way is for you to also exhibit what it means to be a godly person.

Remember that someone godly is also looking for a similar person.

So, if you practice some of the virtues/ qualities I mentioned above, I believe you will be able to attract your significant other.

Lean on God and trust that he will send the right guy for you but if you continue your old ways by not respecting Him, believe that you will lose a good man for sure.

But if I am completely honest with you… my husband wasn’t showing all 30 signs of a godly man when we first met. And neither was I (as a godly woman).

So don’t strike off a good man against the list but you may refer to this list as guidance to keep your Christ-led relationship on track.

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