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My Husband Ignores Me In Social Situations – 20 Reasons & Tips

Do you want to know what to do when you feel my husband ignores me in social situations? Do you often have thoughts in your head that my husband ignores me unless he wants something?

I bet you feel embarrassed and mortified that he makes you feel this way. You may even find it disheartening to speak to others about it.

In turn, you feel helpless and almost depressed. It also drives a huge wedge in your marriage to the point of no return.

Worry not – I have listed many solutions on why this happens and how to navigate this tricky problem in your marriage. So, let’s read on!

Table Of Contents
  1. 20 Reasons Why He Ignores You In Social Situations
  2. 1. He Doesn't Have The Option To Do It At Home
  3. 2. He Feels You Have A Tendency To Nag
  4. 3. He’s Wedded To His Work
  5. 4. Lack Of Intellectual Intimacy
  6. 5. Boredom In The Relationship
  7. 6. Lack Of Respect
  8. 7. Family Interference
  9. 8. Financial Conflict
  10. 9. Infidelity Could Be The Reason Behind His Lack Of Interest
  11. 10. He Could Be A Manipulative Husband
  12. 11. He’s Stressed
  13. 12. He’s Not Getting What He Wants From The Marriage
  14. 13. He Struggles To Express His Emotions
  15. 14. He’s Afraid Of Confrontation
  16. 15. He’s Lost Interest In The Relationship
  17. 16. He’s Unhappy In The Relationship
  18. 17. You’ve Done Something To Upset Him
  19. 18. Unresolved Arguments And Resentment
  20. 19. Feeling Belittled
  21. 20. Being Excluded From Family Matters
  22. 20 Things To Do When Your Husband Ignores You In Social Situations
  23. 1. Talk To Him Later
  24. 2. Be Kind To Your Husband When He Ignores You
  25. 3. Give Him Some Time
  26. 4. Don’t Fight With Him
  27. 5. Analyze The Situation
  28. 6. Try To Reconnect With Him
  29. 7. Keep A Positive Outlook
  30. 8. Plan Surprises For Him
  31. 9. Pay Attention To His Behavior
  32. 10. Don’t Discuss Your Issues With Others
  33. 11. Bring Back The Spark
  34. 12. Build A Life Outside Of Your Marriage
  35. 13. Trigger His Hero Instinct
  36. 14. Don’t Overreact
  37. 15. Take This Time To Work On Yourself
  38. 16. Let Him Know You’re There When He’s Ready To Resolve Things
  39. 17. Keep Being Yourself
  40. 18. Don’t Embarrass Him Out Of Spite
  41. 19. Try To Fulfill His Needs
  42. 20. Seek Counselling
  43. FAQ On My Husband Ignores Me In Social Situations
  44. What Is It Called When A Husband Ignores His Wife?
  45. What Is An Emotionally Absent Husband?
  46. What Is Empty Love In A Marriage?
  47. What Is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?
  48. What Is Miserable Husband Syndrome?
  49. Why Does My Husband Ignore Me Around His Family
  50. Conclusion


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20 Reasons Why He Ignores You In Social Situations

my husband ignores me in social situations

1. He Doesn’t Have The Option To Do It At Home

At home, he can’t exactly ignore you because you have screaming kids and a mountain of chores to get done together.

So, whenever he gets to be in a social situation, he enjoys talking to other people – it reminds him of his former self and to ‘ignore’ his responsibilities at home.

Maybe he feels there is a tendency for you to nag and he has somehow lost his feelings for you. Don’t worry, all is not lost, how about showering him with affections and gifts to spark that romance once again?

2. He Feels You Have A Tendency To Nag

Women nag because they don’t feel like you don’t listen. But remember when our parents used to do the same to us growing up?

Did you enjoy and listen more attentively?


It ended up making you feel resentful and angry. Similarly, your husband might be feeling the same way.

3. He’s Wedded To His Work

There is a lot on his mind, especially work. The last thing on his mind is to engage with you. It’s nice to decompress and talk to others in social situations.

4. Lack Of Intellectual Intimacy

Your home life is functional. Yes, you are married, but it’s more of a duty and obligation than an intimate one.

Intimacy doesn’t always have to be sexual. It could even sometimes mean him just feeling close to you.

If you don’t have this with him, you can’t expect him to respect and honor you in social situations.

5. Boredom In The Relationship

He is bored. I will be the first to admit that things get a little mundane after having kids.

You fall into a routine because that is what the kids need – but is that what a married couple needs?

Surely not! When you dated, you made more effort for your partner; now you don’t.

6. Lack Of Respect

Do you have this nagging thought that my husband ignores me at parties?

Well, ignoring your spouse is one of the most disrespectful things he can do. Fundamentally, he is doing this because he doesn’t respect you as a partner and mother to his children.

7. Family Interference

How does his family feel about you? Are they talking badly about you behind your back?

He has known them longer than he has known you, and indirectly, he could be listening to them.

8. Financial Conflict

Is your debt in order? Are you struggling financially as a family? More importantly, are you honest with each other about your spending habits?

One of the leading causes of divorce has been financial problems.

my husband ignores me in social situations

9. Infidelity Could Be The Reason Behind His Lack Of Interest

Is he cheating on you? Thanks to social media – cheating can even be emotional.

He is so preoccupied with the other person (s) that he finds it easy to ignore you in a social setting.

10. He Could Be A Manipulative Husband

Another reason he does this is that he is a bully. He enjoys making you feel insecure and unworthy because he is manipulative.

11. He’s Stressed

My husband ignores me in public! Why is this so?!!!

Everyone thinks the word stress is synonymous with work. But sometimes, it could be a combination of a few things.

For example, overwhelming family life and poor mental health intertwined with the current season he is in.

12. He’s Not Getting What He Wants From The Marriage

He is unable to communicate what he needs from your relationship.

Always remember that men are not so in touch with their emotions, so they may need to improve verbalizing their thoughts.

13. He Struggles To Express His Emotions

Him ignoring you in social situations could be a sign that he is unable to express his emotions well, as per the point I made earlier.

14. He’s Afraid Of Confrontation

My husband ignores me at parties! Help!

He doesn’t know how to tell you why he feels upset because he worries you might take it negatively. Therefore, ignoring you in social situations is a better option.

15. He’s Lost Interest In The Relationship

 I bet you are thinking, why does my husband ignore me?

He probably finds other people more exciting and cannot wait to engage with others.

my husband ignores me in social situations

16. He’s Unhappy In The Relationship

This marriage no longer makes him happy. He is staying out of obligation or duty for the kids. So he feels the less he talks to you, the better. Keep things functional.

17. You’ve Done Something To Upset Him

A husband ignores wife?

We might not even realize we may have upset our spouses.

I understand that in the midst of kids, work, and a never-ending chore list, you might not have time to say things most respectfully.

Well, men sometimes speak up right as it happens. So he might have been feeling upset for a while now.

18. Unresolved Arguments And Resentment

In the current stage of my marriage, I can only spend 10 minutes with my husband when he returns from work, as we have a rambunctious toddler and a baby.

If there is a pressing problem, I will have to call him during his lunchtime to discuss the issue.

Sometimes more than 20 minutes is needed, and we put many arguments/topics on the back burner. I will be the first to admit that it ends up brewing resentment.

19. Feeling Belittled

I witnessed a wife talking down to her husband at a dinner party over such a petty matter. It was raining, and the husband forgot to bring an umbrella.

His face fell as it was in front of others. Imagine what this does for his ego.

20. Being Excluded From Family Matters

Are you making all the decisions by yourself? Men can feel disempowered when you act as if their opinions don’t matter as much. Is it any wonder that you feel my husband ignores me in social situations if you keep this up?

my husband ignores me in social situations

20 Things To Do When Your Husband Ignores You In Social Situations

So now, what to do when your husband ignores you?

1. Talk To Him Later

Communication in difficult times is essential.

Speak gently to him in a non-accusatory way. Perhaps you can ask open-ended questions such as the following:

  • – How can I support you today?
  • – What can I do more for you?
  • – Would you like to share anything on your mind lately?

There are other questions I found personally helpful in my marriage!

As you can see, these questions don’t directly ask him why he is ignoring you, but instead, it skirts around the issue more subtly.

The key here is to reserve judgment because you might not like what you hear.

2. Be Kind To Your Husband When He Ignores You

This is a hard recommendation. It is easier to show a sulky face in return for your hurt. But true strength lies in you still choosing to be kind to him.

Remember, hurt people, hurt people. He is doing it intentionally because he is broken. So, this is the best time to envelop him with your soft, gentle ways.

my husband ignores me in social situations

3. Give Him Some Time

How to deal with husband ignoring you?

Provide so much-needed space to him. Please offer him scheduled breaks away from the kids and you so he can let loose.

4. Don’t Fight With Him

Retaliating is not going to help the situation. So try to avoid fighting with him.

5. Analyze The Situation

Do some self-reflection. You can never control him, but you can control yourself. So ask yourself if you are supporting him enough as a spouse. You may start to understand my husband ignores me in social situations.

6. Try To Reconnect With Him

What is it that you both enjoyed before being married? Was it a long sunset drive? Or is it enjoying some greasy food at the movies?

Alternatively, focus on what he likes to do. Golf? Diving? Consider joining him when he feels happiest.

7. Keep A Positive Outlook

Do you feel ignored by your husband?

Real talk. The woman often has to bear the burden of the relationship when things go sour. So you must keep some form of optimism for both of you.

8. Plan Surprises For Him

It doesn’t have to be expensive or even extensive. Just a simple home-cooked meal that he enjoys.

Or plan his favorite movie/ TV show marathon without the kids and you. That will surely lighten up his mood.

Still, trying to figure out what to do? Here are 40 creative ways to surprise your partner!

9. Pay Attention To His Behavior

Try to analyze what triggers him to ignore you in social situations. When you look back, you can see why he might resort to doing that.

10. Don’t Discuss Your Issues With Others

Talking badly about your man, the father of your children, is an absolute NO-NO.

It can be challenging for you because women love venting, but others can potentially jeopardize your relationship by giving you ill advice.

11. Bring Back The Spark

Having thoughts like my husband lost interest in me?

Before I had kids, I used to run to the door when my husband arrived home after a long day at work. Now, I am more enthusiastic.

I am just waiting for him to come home so that I can dump the kids at him and have a quiet shower away from the screaming kids.

But the other day, he told me he missed getting hugs when he came home.

Again, you don’t need much money to make your spouse feel welcomed and loved in your relationship.

12. Build A Life Outside Of Your Marriage

If you know me, I often talk about self-care.

It is easy to get swept away in your marital problem and get depressed, but you must take care of yourself during this challenging time.

Here are some other great self-care tips beyond taking a warm shower!

13. Trigger His Hero Instinct

Are you still thinking about the thought that my husband ignores me in social situations?

Well, men love to feel important and needed. I suggest getting him to help around the house more. Show him how much you need him to run a smooth home.

Thank him differently, such as a nice cuddle, a great gift, or even planning a spicy session in the bedroom!

14. Don’t Overreact

Be patient. Overreacting is a lack of emotional intelligence. Remember to breathe because you might not take it back once you say something.

15. Take This Time To Work On Yourself

Well, if you feel that my husband ignores me in public anyway, why don’t you spend that extra time on yourself?

You go and engage with other people in social situations. Why should you be miserable and wallow in self-pity like him?

16. Let Him Know You’re There When He’s Ready To Resolve Things

Telling him once that “Hey, I am here whenever you are ready to talk”, can do wonders for your relationship because you are not pressuring him.

And if you know men well enough, they hate feeling nagged and pressured to do something.

17. Keep Being Yourself

You may feel like your husband lost interest in everything about you but….

Don’t let these bad experiences affect who you are. Maybe he is going through a rough season, and the worst thing you can do is also to be someone bitter.

Again, this is when he needs you the most.

my husband ignores me in social situations

18. Don’t Embarrass Him Out Of Spite

Avoid humiliating him, especially in public. It hurts when he ignores you, but you do not want to resort to his level. I promise you; it will not help your marriage heal.

19. Try To Fulfill His Needs

If you can get his thoughts on why this happens so often, you may want to fulfill his needs.

I never realized how much my husband truly missed me in our marriage until he explicitly said it.

I assumed we saw each other daily anyway, so why would he miss me?

But the truth is, he missed me as his partner and soul mate and not just his dutiful wife and mother of his children.

20. Seek Counselling

Consider getting a licensed third party involved to help with your marital woes when all else fails.

A neutral perspective can shed some light. Some of these therapy sessions may be done online at your convenience.

my husband ignores me in social situations

FAQ On My Husband Ignores Me In Social Situations

What Is It Called When A Husband Ignores His Wife?

It is called stonewalling, and it can be challenging to recognize.

Giving someone silent treatment, refusing to talk, or avoiding essential conversations are signs of this behavior.

If this were to continue, it could have a disastrous impact on your marriage as it is a sign of emotional neglect.

What Is An Emotionally Absent Husband?

An emotionally absent husband has difficulty knowing how to engage in real-life conversations.

Even if he can listen, he emotionally distances certain parts of himself to avoid getting close.

Essentially, he performs his role as a husband as more of a function rather than a loving partner.

What Is Empty Love In A Marriage?

Empty love is the lack of commitment, passion, and intimacy within a marriage. Even the most vital unions have bouts of this as the years pass.

The good news is that the reverse can also happen. For example, an arranged marriage can start empty but turn into a warm and loving relationship.

What Is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?

This is when a spouse (usually a wife) feels alone, neglected, and resentful in a deteriorating marriage. She then decides it is time to end it and leaves.

When a woman decides to leave, there is usually very little convincing that will make her stay as she has made up her mind.

What Is Miserable Husband Syndrome?

The miserable husband syndrome happens when a husband experiences hypersensitivity, anxiety, frustration, or anger due to aging, medications, or even high-stress levels.

If left unchecked, the consequences of this syndrome can leave both parties in a marriage resentful and bitter.

This may ultimately result in divorce, especially when both parties refuse to improve the situation.

Why Does My Husband Ignore Me Around His Family

Perhaps they could be having problems at work, experiencing stress or may even be mad at their spouse.

These are a few reasons why a husband may choose to ignore their wife. Talk to him about it and be very clear that ignoring you not only hurts you but the overall marriage.


So there you are, practical solutions to help the next time you feel my husband ignores me in social situations.

Now, the problem doesn’t seem so daunting anymore, does it? I genuinely hope you can overcome this in your marriage and go on to have a beautiful relationship with your spouse.

After all, isn’t that why you walked down the aisle with him many years prior?

If I missed any other tips, please mention them in the comments below, and I will include them!

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