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I Want To Leave My Husband But I Have No Money – Ultimate Guide

Did you search for I want to leave my husband but I have no money? Well, you have come to the right place.

Right now, you must be feeling so desperate and overwhelmed and the Internet provides a vortex of information that you feel lost.

Don’t worry, I will share with you exact strategies on what to do in this situation as well as provide helpful links on where to go to get help.

So, let me hold your hand and ‘walk’ with you as you navigate one of the toughest phases of your life.


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1. Come Up With A Game Plan

I know you must wish you could just pack your bags right now and leave this instantly but the reality is, you have no money.

So you need a game plan on how to go about this.  The following will have to be taken into consideration:

  • Cost required to even leave
  • Where will you stay
  • Location for the kids’ schools
  • How will shared custody look like
  • How will long-term childcare look like
  • How fast can you get a stable paying job
  • What other resources can you tap into

So, yes the factors to consider can seem overwhelming if you do not have a plan in place.

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

2. Open Up Your Account

For some women, they have depended on their husbands their whole lives. Do know that this is normal.

Having said that, it is about time for you to open up a savings or a checking account so that you can stash money away monthly before actually leaving your husband.

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

3. Start to Spend Carefully

Whatever money you can save on grocery bills, put it away because you are going to need it. As a single woman, you are going to have a lot of unexpected expenses.

4. Track Every Single Expense

This is important so that you know what the actual costs of things are in this economy. You can then plan out how much you need to save to live comfortably.

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

5. Build a Cash Emergency Bag aka Go Bag

I need a divorce but I have no money!

You will need to stash cash away in case you need to leave in the middle of the night.

Not a pretty thought but it is something you have to consider especially if you are in a dangerous situation with your kids.

6. Prepare A File

Gather all your financial records and store them in a safe environment. Don’t forget to make copies if necessary to share with your loved ones.

7. Speak To Legal Aid

How to leave your marriage with no money?

Well, legal costs can be extremely expensive but there are free resources that you can leverage.

Speak to legal aid to understand what costs may be involved in separation and eventually divorce so that you can include that in your overall budget.

You can also use this opportunity to understand how much spousal and childcare support you may be entitled to

8. Research Your State’s Divorce Laws

Look, every State will have its rulings with regard to divorce.

You will need to do your research on how this will impact you and the children before rushing to any decisions.

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

9. Read About Other Women

There are plenty of forums/ FB groups that provide a safe space for single women.

You can post in a question anonymously and get them to point you in the right direction. You can also lean into their wisdom and shared expertise to help you make decisions.

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

10. Start A Gofundme Page

Need to move out but have no money?

Look, if you are down and out, anything goes. Start a GoFundMe page and I am sure there are various donors out there around the world who might be able to help a woman in your position financially.

You will never know until you ask!

11. Get A Job

How to leave my husband when I have no money, you ask?

Well, in this day and age, jobs don’t require 9 to 5 roles anymore. There are plenty of remote working jobs constantly being posted.

Start working today so that you can put away money in your account in time for your eventual departure.

Examples of remote jobs:

  • Freelance writing
  • Survey taking
  • Data entry
  • Virtual assistant
  • Translator
  • Administration Assistant

12. No Experience – No Problem

Ask around your community if they need help with anything from weeding to chores to even being a teaching assistant at your kids’ school.

You will be surprised at how easily you can get hired despite not having experience.

13. Consider Mediation

Not going to be blunt here but divorce will cost you.

Consider mediation as an alternative to avoid having to hire lawyers which can be extremely expensive especially if you have tight purse strings.

14. Get Free Therapy

You are going to need someone to help you process all the emotional feelings as you embark on a new journey as it won’t be easy to navigate the issue of how to leave your husband when you have no money.

Some hotlines and services that are available are as follows:

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

15. Consider Halfway Homes/ Shelter

Halfway homes are designed to help women and men in abusive situations leave. Expect to get a phone call from them and they will assess your needs.

Some of the questions may include the following:

  • Number of children
  • Details of the abuse
  • Health conditions
  • Medications required
  • Current living arrangements
  • Drug and alcohol use

To find out what to expect at a women’s shelter near you, you need to call them directly.

One example is  St. Matthews House where they provide a transitionary place from homeless to self-sufficiency.

They provide the necessary skills so that women leave feeling empowered.

16. Learn A New Trade

Thanks to the rise of YouTube, you can learn just about anything from cooking gourmet food to learning how to sew a full-length dress. Now you won’t feel so worried about the issue of how to leave your husband when you have no money.

Don’t be afraid to pick up something new.

17. Start A Business

I want out of my marriage but I have no money!

I hear you but know that there are plenty of moms are out there who work part-time in between chores and kids to sustain themselves and their respective families.

There are entire videos online on how to make homemade products, package, price, and subsequently sell to customers so that you can make some money.

So, what are you waiting for?

I Want To Leave My Husband When You Have No Money

18. Barter

Hey, if you don’t have money and need to move out fast, that is okay. But barter the life out of yourself.

Ask your family, friends, and co-workers if they can provide you with housing in return for a free chef, driver, cleaner, etc.

Yes, it is a temporary arrangement but it can help you get back on your feet as you save up.

19. Don’t Forget To Breathe

Take things one step at a time.

As I said, it can feel extremely overwhelming when you are in this position but panicking will only lead to you missing a step or two or worse making some poor decisions.

20. Acknowledge

I am not going to mince my words here.

This is going to be the hardest part of your life so you will need to remain resilient as you navigate uncharted territories. It is hard but certainly not impossible.

You got this, Mama!


So there you have it folks, a comprehensive article on how to leave my husband but I have no money. 

I empathise with how you must be feeling and I sincerely hope the strategies outlined as well as the resources can get you the help you need.

While it might seem like a hard road to walk on, know that so many women have done this before and often come out stronger.

Don’t forget that you have absolute autonomy over your life and you can be an empowered woman in a marriage or without.

Let me know in the comments below if any of my tips have worked for you or if you have new thoughts you wish to add.

Sending love and light always!

 Frequently Asked Questions On How To Leave My Husband But I Have No Money

What If I Feel Financially Trapped In My Marriage?

You may be entitled to alimony as well as fair distribution of the marital property so don’t worry too much if you are feeling financially trapped in your relationship.

There is also something called rehabilitative alimony which provides funds from your spouse so that you can rejoin the workforce in the future.

What Can I Do If I Want To Leave My Husband?

Apply for a divorce if you are married and want to permanently end your marriage. But if you are in a civil partnership and want to end it, then apply for a dissolution of your marriage.

If both do not appeal to you, you can get a legal separation.

How Do I Know It’s Right To Leave My Husband?

Infidelity, breach of trust, lying or betrayal are signs that it might benefit you to get a divorce.

Other reasons may also include being in an unhealthy/ toxic relationship or if there is a lack of communication. Therefore, it is important to seek out help where possible so that things could improve in future.

Why Am I Unhappily Married?

Comparing, blaming each other and lacking trust.

These are several factors that could lead to an unhappy and unhealthy marriage. Lack of trust is on one of the biggest reasons. Not believing or trusting each other is difficult when there has been infidelity in the relationship.  

Another factor is often blaming each other for mistakes.

Why Do Men Stay In Unhappy Marriages?

Fear is the reason why most men stay in unhappy marriages.

For other people, the threat of violence, harming the children or depriving them of their nuclear family are commonly cited reasons why people choose to stay in an unhappy marriage. This is becoming more of a common occurrence as the years go by.

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