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226 Affirmations To Overcome Fear – Ultimate Guide For 2024

Looking for affirmations to overcome fear? I know all about how fear can be debilitating and how that takes over your life.

You must be feeling alone too as people often keep their deepest fears to themselves. It might also be embarrassing to you to open up to others.

I am here to let you know your fears are extremely valid and are certainly nothing to be ashamed of!

One thing that has personally helped me on my journey to overcome fear is to recite positive affirmations to overcome fear.

So hang in there as I share with you some tips on how to write affirmations as well as how to recite them so that you can take control over your life again.

Let’s get started!


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226 Affirmations To Overcome Fear

1. I have faith in myself.

2. I know the processes that I have built around me will serve me

3. I am deserving of all the good things in life

4. I am confident in the decisions I make

5. I am self-assured that I always

6. I love myself

7. I think I am a great thinker and an amazing contributor to the world

8. My life is just as meaningful as the rest of the people around me

 9. I am sure of what I want in life. Nothing will come my way

10. My goals are so clearly written that the future is so bright

11. Nothing is holding me back from absolute success

12. I am a blessed child of God and am deserving of all the good things in life

13. I will excel in the things that I am tasked with

14. I am my best self today, tomorrow, and forever

15. I respect myself by nourishing my mind with all the positive vibes around me

16. I nurture myself with great nutrition

17. I work on my body so that it helps me build a stronger mind

18. All problems are easily fixable

19. God/ The universe has blessed me with the ability to do anything I put my mind to

20. My goals are clear I will get all the good things I deserve.

21. I am blessed with great gifts that I can use to serve others around me

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

22. I am unstoppable.

23. My potential in life is limitless

24. I will always be successful in anything I choose to partake in

25. I will be energetic and enthusiastic about the tasks that I participate in

26. There is an abundance of opportunities that will help me get the life I want

 27. There are always resources surrounding me to help me achieve my goal

28. I am an inspiration to myself and others

29. I am open to learning new things and am extremely agile

30. I love putting myself out there. Fear doesn’t get to me

 31. I am invincible

32. I am full of good ideas

33. I understand people and know how to react to them and support them when needed

34. I am a good friend to myself and others

35. I know how to push myself beyond humanly thought possible

36. I have a unique vision for my life and I see a clear trajectory to success

37. I will never have to struggle in anything in my life. All will come to me with ease.

38. I listen to my inner voice and it always guides me toward positive outcomes

39. I am intelligent. I can contribute constructively to the world

40. Anything that happens to me will be used to motivate me

41. I am a genius and am gifted

42. I am beautifully created

43. I take pride in my self-care

44. I prioritize my mental health always

45. Failure doesn’t cripple me anymore, in fact, it adds fuel to my growth

46. I have full confidence in expressing how I feel

47. I am excited to not just survive in life but to thrive

48. I choose to be a leader in my community

49. I choose to set a shining example of how to live as an amazing person

50. I practice self-care all the time so my cup is always overflowing with love

51. I am friendly and can make friends with anyone. People are constantly attracted to me because I ooze confidence and radiance

52. I live an amazing life

53. I always practice gratitude for the life I lead, even if it includes challenges that come my way

54. My faith in humanity gives me hope, strength, and courage to persevere

55. I am my best advocate

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

56. I defend my rights and stand up for myself all the time

57. I have a right to exist in the world

58. My spiritual leanings guide me to overcome any fear I may have

59. The past serves as a teacher and doesn’t cripple me with anxiety

60. I am an optimist in life.

61. Life is fair to me.

62. The most successful people have used their adversity to come out stronger, I am one of them.

63. I choose my thoughts wisely.

64. I choose the positive circle I want to be around

65. Growth is always on the other side of fear and that is where you will find me always

66. Success is hard work

67. Fear is overcome by building confidence

68. Success comes with repeated promises that you uphold when no one is watching you.

69. There is always enough time in my life to do great things

70. Nothing can stop me

71. I choose to adopt a positive attitude daily

72. I am a great person

73. I am wise and can predict patterns in life that will serve me

74. I am always surrounding myself with people who will bring me to my highest potential

75. My motto in life is to be fearless always

76. I am always the first to volunteer for anything in a crowd.

77. Even if others may want to give up on me, I won’t give up on them

 78. I am worthy

79. Even if I do not know everything, I will strive to figure it out no matter what

80. Miracles are aplenty and it will all happen to me especially if I work hard for it

81. My intuitions serve me

82. I am a winner by default

83. Life has been a blessing for me.

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

84. It is easy for me to overcome any fear that comes my way

85. My confidence grows exponentially with each day that passes.

86. It takes more than luck to succeed. I believe in hard work to overcome any fears I may have.

87. There are so many wonderful experiences waiting to unfold in my life and I am looking forward to all of it.

88. I believe in an abundant universe

89. All my thoughts can create realities

90. My dreams are not just dreams but they will be a reality

91. I am a natural-born leader

92. I am self-motivated to overcome fear.

93. I am successful in my life because I have faith in myself

94. I don’t get caught up with the negative environment around me. I thrive in it

95. Everything that is happening to me is a blessing.

96. I am grateful to be born in this life and looking forward to the amazing accomplishments in my life

97. Faith rests in my God and he has protected me from all the fears

98. I take in as much as I can daily as if it were my last

99. Every day  is a new day for me to live a better life

100. I take on full ownership and accountability for the life I lead

101. I see tremendous value in myself and others

102. I treat my life with respect and dignity

103. How I treat anything is how I treat everything in life

104. I strive for excellence in all that I do

105. I have a purpose for my life

106. I see fear as an obstacle to become greater than yesterday

107. I am disciplined daily

108. I am committed to my goals

109. I refused to surrender to fear or any insecurities

110. Negativity doesn’t hold me back but pushes me harder to achieve my goals and desires in life

111. I am always strong in life

112. Resiliency is my first name

113. I choose to get back up every time life pushes me down

114. Every fear or failure is used as a springboard to success

115. It’s okay to be scared but it’s not okay to live in fear perpetually

116. I feel satisfied knowing I have done everything to succeed in life

117. Everything great will come to me

118. I work the hardest among any of the people I know

119. I do not let other people’s opinions or judgment of me scare me

120. I focus all my energy on fixing my problems and fears

121. There are many paths leading to success and I know I will be aware of all of them.

122. I am determined to overcome fear

123. I live for my values in life

124. I often take charge and encourage others to live outside their comfort zones

125. I follow through with the vision I have set for my life

126. Patience and perseverance are two qualities both affirmations to overcome the fear that I often use.

127. I remind myself that feelings are temporary but success is permanent

128. I choose to overcome any fears I may have so that I live a life of freedom

129. I never let worries steal my peace

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

130. I am constantly calm and in a zen mood

131. My mind is made up and nothing can ever change it

132. I don’t just make empty promises – I uphold them and that builds my inner confidence daily

133. I do not waste time with people who do not want to improve their lives, instead, 134. I am surrounded by positive-minded individuals all the time

135. Progress is my middle name

136. I can always do better daily

137. I feel good about the person I am and the person I am becoming

138. I embody resilience and encourage others to do the same in their lives

139. I am not a victim of my life and its circumstances

140. I never fail at anything because trying is part of success

141. I have confidence in the people around me to support my goals and desires.

142. I am particular about crafting the perfect environment for my life to thrive.

143. I can rest easy knowing that I have given it my all

144. I deserve to be happy

145. I breathe in strength and breathe out fear

146. Today, I live life fearlessly.

147. My life is worth fighting for.

148. Mistakes are embraced because they help to build me up further.

149. I am proud of my accomplishments

150. It was always within me to change my circumstances

151. I love the life I have built

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

152. I have what it takes to let go of my fears

153. I find it easier to move forward daily without fear

154. I release fear and tension daily in my life.

155. My setbacks make me stronger

156. My struggles are always viewed as opportunities to grow

157. I am grateful for who I am

158. I persist until I succeed

159. I live my life courageously and bravely.

160. Today, I have everything I need for an amazing day

161. I accept myself wholeheartedly.

162. I am at peace and calm throughout my day

163. I deserve to be healthy mentally

164. I am releasing all my fears into the world

165. I love myself unconditionally

166. Confidence and determination affirmations to overcome fear are what I use to get a better life.

167. I let go of any judgments I have toward others and most importantly myself.

168. I have a bright future ahead

169. I am healing myself daily

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

170. I am protected by the universe always

171. I am doing the best I can each day

172. I know I will always come out stronger

173. I am creating the life of my dreams.

174. I am brave to take risks and chances in my life

175. I accept any criticism that comes my way but I do not use it to cripple me

176. I am prepared to sacrifice comfort and security to live a fearless life

177. I am an independent person

178. My life brings peace and joy to others

179. I am confident in my ability to succeed

180. I have everything I need to be magnificent in life

181. I have what it takes to overcome anything in life

182. My life is worth fighting for

183. I am strong, I am brave and I am fearless

184. My body is full of strength and beauty.

185. I am transforming my life into a happy one

186. The fear isn’t real

187. I have clarity in my life

188. I am going to push forward without fear or fervor

189. I won’t be scared of what the future brings

190. Every second that passes gives me strength

191. Feeling relaxed and at ease is what I experience daily

192. I trust myself to go through this challenge

193. I am always taken care of by the universe and God

194. Life has so much I can look forward to

195. My best efforts will suffice

196. I can always learn from my fears

197. I will recover from this setback

198. Today is an excellent day to overcome my challenges

199. I am a tough person, I can make this through

200. I will persevere in my challenges

201. I will let go of anything holding me back

202. I will never give up.

203. All the mistakes I have made are designed to make me wiser

204. I must focus on all the good things

205. No one has power over me. I am safe

206. All is well in the world

207. Divine peace and harmony surround and dwell within me

208. My best dreams are going to come true

209. I am confident about solving life’s problems

210. This too shall pass is one of many amazing affirmations to overcome fear

211. Wherever I go, I will be blessed and protected

212. Look at me go! I am going to soar high in life

213. I have survived my fear. I will do it again

214. My body is my ally

215. I like myself and that is enough.

216. I am capable and prepared for anything

217. I am safe in the company of others

218. I am different and unique and that is okay

219. I choose to see the beauty in my surroundings rather than fear

220. I enjoy my fears – it keeps me alive

221. I let go of control and embrace joy.

222. I have done hard things before. I will do it again tomorrow

223. I have and will always be in charge of my fears

224. I can move past this scary moment.

225. I forgive myself in the event I fall short

226. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of life

So, there you have it 226 affirmations which can be used as affirmations for fear of abandonment as well.

Affirmations To Overcome Fear

What Are Positive Affirmations?

They are simple, short, and powerful phrases intended for you to repeat to yourself – almost like a mantra of sorts. These statements are focused on describing a particular outcome you desire or who you envision yourself to be.

I hope understanding what affirmations can do for you will help you to overcome fear with faith.

 How To Start A Positive Affirmation Practice?

Your first step is to find what resonates with you. Understand that repetition is key. You can begin your day with them or end your day with them. You can stick a different one on your bathroom mirror daily.

Alternatively, speak them out loud when you are alone in the car, play them throughout the day, or set them in the background on your mobile phone.  The options are endless.

Remember that your thoughts design your reality so repeating the positive mantras helps you create a better life for yourself. This is a very important part of self care. If you are looking for other tips on self care, you may check out this Forbes article.

How To Create Positive Affirmations For Fear?

What is bothering you at the moment? Are you struggling with some negative self-talk? Simply use it in reverse and change it into positive statements.

Further tips on how to write affirmations:

  • Keep it brief
  • Use I statements
  • Keep it in the present tense
  • Be specific
  • Enjoy the process

Conclusion For Affirmations To Overcome Fear

That concludes my list of affirmations to overcome fear which I hope has been helpful to you in your journey of self-healing and building mental resilience.

It can be tough when life feels hard and you feel overcome with immense fear but know that you are not alone in this journey called life. Reciting these mantras daily will help you feel more in control of the life you lead.

For all you know, you end up a stronger and better person after this experience.

Let me know if anything here resonates with you.

Sending you love and light always!

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