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67 Powerful Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You (2024)

Looking for affirmations to make him obsessed with you? I know you must be feeling dejected and willing to do anything to get him to think of you.

I bet you feel hopeless and a little lost at where to begin. Don’t worry, I got your back.

One thing that has personally helped me on my romantic journey to overcome fear is to recite positive affirmations to help attract my man.

So hang in there as I share with you some tips on how to write affirmations as well as how to recite them so that you can take control over your romance once again.

Let’s get to it!


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67 Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You

1. I love myself

2. I treat myself with grace and respect

3. I am ready to receive love

4. I am deserving of a romantic partner

5. I love meeting new people

6. I am constantly smiling

7. I am the most suitable partner for him

8. I love going on romantic dates with him

9. I am desired by everyone around me

10. I magnetize people with my presence

11. I practice self-care daily

12. I am grateful for the life I lead

13. I exercise to maintain a healthy body

14. I take care of my nutrition as it helps with my mental well-being

15. God/ The Universe wants the best love for me

16.  I find joy in the small things

17. I am enthusiastic about life

18. My partner treats me well

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

19. My partner is constantly appreciating me

20. My relationships are extremely fulfilling

21. I have a great life outside my romantic love

Looking For Further Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You

22. I am excited at the thought of my partner

23. My connection to my partner grows stronger daily

24. My partner and I are constantly working hard on our relationship

25. I can easily express my romantic emotions to my partner

26. I am my partner’s safe space

27. I am my partner’s favorite person in the world

28. My partner and I are constantly cheering each other on/

29. My partner and I are deeply in love

30. Romance and sensuality come naturally to me

31. My partner and I are constantly surprising each other with romantic gestures

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

32. I am his biggest priority.

33. My partner and I know how to express vulnerability in our love life.

34. I am an amazing woman

35. I am beautiful inside and out

36. I am constantly surrounded by unconditional love and support.

37. My confidence draws him closer to me

38. My partner has a strong emotional attachment to me.

39. He only has eyes for me

40. He treats me like the queen I am

41. Our connection is unbreakable

42. He cherishes our love and relationship always

43. We are each other’s soulmates

44. He is completely devoted to me

45. We look forward to the future as a united couple

46. We have a deep soul connection.

47. We enjoy spending time together

48. His mind, heart, and soul are devoted to me

49. We see ourselves building a family together

50. I radiate confidence and self-esteem in my relationships

51. I am enough for my partner

52. I know exactly what my other half needs

53. I am always excited to try new things with my partner

54. I look forward to creating beautiful memories with him

55. I am his biggest priority

56. I am the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up

57. Intimacy comes easy for us

58. We are both vulnerable with each other

Other Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You

59. We go to great lengths to improve our relationship

60. We are each other’s biggest fans

61. We are crazy in love with each other

62.  I can anticipate his wants and desires in our relationship

63. We look forward to spending time together

64. I feel good when I am intimate with my partner

65. We both desire each other

66. I love doing special things for him

67. I compliment him

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

What Is An Affirmation?

Affirmations are powerful positive thoughts designed to help you manifest the life you want.

Our brain is the most powerful part of our body and we can train it to replace negative thoughts. Reciting these phrases regularly can help improve your subconscious thoughts and steer you toward the outcome you desire for your life.

Affirmations can be used multiple times a day and can either be said out loud or written. The frequency is entirely up to you.

Whether you are looking for affirmations for specific person or affirmations to make friends.

How Can You Incorporate Affirmations In Your Life

  • Take a deep breath as you meditate on the mantra of the day
  • Write it down. Get an affirmation journal to help you pen down those positive thoughts
  • Speak to other couples who are happy and obtain an understanding of what affirmations they may use

Benefits of Releasing Affirmations in Your Life

Affirmations are especially powerful when it comes to matters of the heart and how you want him to be obsessed with you. It will help to draw out to release the positive energy that will draw him into your life.

By focusing on the positive mantras, you focus on creating the life you want for the both of you, rather than riddling with fear and worry.

Further Tips To Get Him Obsessed With You

1. Stay Interesting

Have a life outside your relationship. The more you do, the more people you meet and that can lead to a lot of interesting conversations with your partner.

I am always so fascinated by my husband whom I have known for 15 years because he is always either learning something new on YouTube or reading some philosophical book that he enjoys sharing with me.

Our conversations are so interesting that we never get bored of each other. So much so that he comes home for lunch to spend 45 minutes with me – although his workplace is 30 mins one way. I must be doing something right? And you can too!

2. Be Interested

Did you just Google the phrase how to make him obsessed with me manifestation?

Well, consider other things outside manifestation such as being interested in your partner.

How curious are you about your other half? Do you find your partner fascinating? If so, how do you demonstrate this?

I enjoy asking my husband how his day went, what he did that was fun etc. I genuinely enjoy engaging with him so it’s important that you do not ‘fake’ it just to get him obsessed with you.

Part of the reason why my husband enjoys spending time with me is because he doesn’t open up to anyone else. I treat that as a gift and I treasure that wholeheartedly.

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

3. Trigger The Hero Instinct

Men have an instinct to protect their families. As a partner, you need to be able to trigger this instinct in him.

This is not to say you have to play dumb but asking for help around the house/ with work can make him feel like he is contributing and feels needed by you. If you are looking for help on how to do trigger this, check out this page.

It’s that easy with men!

4. Surprise Him

Keep him on his toes by romancing him with gestures and thoughtful words. The act of keeping things spontaneous will make him want to be more obsessed with you. 

Some simple ways you can surprise him are as follows:

  • Leave little notes on the mirror
  • Send him a sexy text when he is at work
  • Plan a guy night out with his friends
  • Cook up a storm with his favorite meal/ drinks
  • Take up a dance class

There are other budget-friendly ideas that you can use to surprise your partner.

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

5. Be Supportive

My husband is going through a rough time at work as he tries to juggle a side hustle.

It is very draining on him but I try to support him by providing more space for him to work at home – instead of asking him to help out with the kids when he gets home.

I also avoid calling him at work with stuff I might be struggling with at home because I know he is extremely busy. Support can also look like you giving them space.

6. Express Gratitude

If you are looking for information on how to manifest your crush is obsessed with you, look no further. Know that it might take more than manifestation some days.

It’s easy to go through the day without actually being thankful for your partner.

The other day, I was this close to texting my husband to turn off the TV and the internet – but instead, I chose to text him a gratitude message about how I am honored to be the only one in the world to have his heart.

7. Dress Up

You don’t have to be going somewhere but putting in some effort can go a long way when he sees you. Desire is built on spontaneity in relationships.

8. Pay Attention

When he speaks, do you pay attention? Everyone in the world wants to be seen by someone.

And just like I mentioned with my husband, the only one that truly allows him to be himself is me so I treasure the time I have with him by paying attention.

9. Be Playful

Men like to have fun so inject some playfulness into your relationship.

affirmations to make him obsessed with you

 10. Be Spontaneous

You don’t have to be rigid all the time with your relationship. Men love women who are open to adventure.

Conclusion For Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You

So, ladies, we have finally reached the tail end of the article on affirmations to make him obsessed with you.

I do hope you have found all of it useful as you manifest love and light into your amazing life.

Love is indeed a tough journey but always remember that it is always worth the risk. I hope reciting these mantras will help you achieve a more positive outcome with your love life.

Let me know if anything here resonates with you. Comment below if you want more affirmations on other aspects of life. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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