affirmations for travel

160 Affirmations For Travel To Manifest Your Best Adventures (2024)

Do you need affirmations for travel because you are scared about planning your next travel adventure? 

Are you having second thoughts about traveling and leaving the safety of your home?

Are you getting frightened about the negative news that is coming out from different regions? Do you want to migrate to another location but feel plenty of doubt?

Have your travel plans changed or been canceled in the past due to unforeseen circumstances? Is your fear stopping you from planning another trip?

If this seems like it is you, please keep reading! 

I will share with you 160 Travel Affirmations that you can consider using to help you believe that you have the power to go on your next travel adventure!

I have felt incredible fear about traveling because of all the negative news, unpleasant occurrences, and changing plans! 

In fact, traveling with a child makes things even more stressful, and I just feel like putting away my travel plans!

Most of the time, what stops us from taking action is our mind and lack of self-belief. 

What you may need is a bit of positive travel affirmation to tell yourself that you can travel and can do it if you want to!

affirmations for travel


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160 Travel Affirmations To Help You

Without further ado, here is a list of 150 travel affirmations that you can browse through to see which fits your requirements. 

These affirmations for travel are related to various considerations such as safety, affordability, company, location, unplanned events, etc.

1.I can safely travel and come back with my health.

2. My body will be protected during my travels.

3. I am going to experience a transformation adventure when I travel.

4. I am ready to handle the ups and downs of travel.

5. I can meet new and interesting people when I travel.

6. I will make my dreams come true when I travel.

7. I will have a wonderful time when I travel.

8. I am ready to explore and experience all that the world has to offer.

9. I am ready to make my travel plans a reality.

10. I am looking forward to exploring a new location.

11. I have everything I need for a safe, fun, and enriching travel experience.

12. I need to get away to gain a new perspective on life.

13. My journey may have challenges, but I will face it head-on.

14. I will behave responsibly to protect myself during my travels.

15. My travel adventure will help me grow.

16. Travel will give me joy and happiness.

17. I may spend money during my travel but the experience will be priceless.

18. Traveling will make me more confident.

19. I am privileged to be able to travel, and I will do so responsibly.

20. I am flexible with my travel plans and can make adjustments when needed.

21. I will be friendly and make new connections when I travel.

22. Nobody is out to get me during my travel.

23. I want to live my life to the fullest.

24. I will enjoy what is around me and take in my surroundings.

25. I am on an adventure that will give me peace, growth, and happiness.

26. I want to be happy, and travel gives me happiness.

27. Travel pushes me to step out of my comfort zone.

28. Travel makes me a better person.

29. Travel teaches me knew skills and knowledge.

30. I love a great adventure

31. I attract luxurious holidays into my life.

32. Travel brings me much needed calmness and gratitude for my life.

33. I release any fears and trepidations I might have.

34. I am grateful for the amazing people I will meet on my journeys

35. Every trip I take enriches my mind and life

36. I am a global citizen, connected to every part of the world.

37. My adventurous spirits leads me down uncharted territories

38. I radiate positive energy with every trip I take

39. Every single journey I am on leads me to my most authentic self.

40. Planet earth is full of countless adventures.

41. My passport is key to me being on those amazing journeys.

42. Traveling around the world allows me to enjoy the different cultures around the world.

43. I am always looking for inspiration on where to travel next.

44. Going on a trip brings me much needed joy.

45. I often enjoy the beaten trips.

46. My travel experiences are filled with the utmost serendipity.

47. I enjoy being calm on my travels

48. I am always open to receiving new experiences and unexpected gifts on my holidays.

49. Travelling nurtures my soul

affirmations for travel

50. I release any fears I may have and instead focus on only positive vibes throughout my trips.

51. I often look for other like minded travelers on my journeys

52. I know I will absolutely have the best time with each trip I embark on.

53. I am a magnet for abundant and diverse travel experiences.

54. Travelling allows me to find my life’s purpose.

55. I enjoy every single cuisine I come across when I am out and about.

56. I am amazed at every single scent and sounds I get to experience on my travels.

57. I am a great budget traveler and I know how to find a good deal in order to maximize my experiences

58. I use traveling solo as a way to discover myself

59. The calmness and solitude I get from traveling gives me a much needed perspective.

60. Every trip I take is an invitation to focus on the present.

61. Travelling allows me to disconnect from the crazy day to day stress and provide much tranquility.

62. I will never run out of places to explore because the world is abundant.

63. I will always have enough money to pay for my adventures

64. Each trip I take is an invitation to expand my comfort zone.

65. I love being spontaneous during my trips.

66. I release any attachments I have towards a specific outcome and trust the journey of each adventure.

67. Every adventure allows me to make memories with my loved ones

68. I attract beautiful sunsets and magical landscapes on my trips.

69. The joy that travel gives me is something I can bring everywhere I go

70. I am fearless on my travels, I enjoy every single challenge that may come my way.

71. I am flexible with my travel arrangements, eager to see how life will surprise me.

72. I trust my intuition on my trips to guide my path

73. The universe will protect me from harm

74. All of my travels are safe and free of danger.

75. I know I will always achieve inner peace when I go on the path least traveled.

76. I am healthy on my travels

77. I am filled with so much excitement for each of my travels

78. I am grateful that i get to enjoy what life has to offer

79. Every journey I am on is a teacher

80. My life is filled with wonderful opportunities

81. I make wise decisions when I travel

82. I attract lifelong friends on my trips.

83. I allow myself to be vulnerable with the people I meet so that I can learn something about myself.

84. I remain open to the magic of friendship everywhere I am

85. I am deserving of a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation.

86. I am surrounded by peace and tranquility on my trips.

87. I will be sure to prioritize self care on my trips

88. I am already grateful for the many amazing memories and experiences I created during my vacation.

89. I am open towards learning about new cultures and traditions.

90. I trust the journey and savor every single moment of it

91. I know my body will take care of me well during those long haul journeys

92. The world is my playground, so let’s play

93. I allow travel to lift my spirits

94. I am ready right this moment for an incredible trip

95. I invite confidence in my mind as I plan the schedule for my trip

96. Booking a trip is the most fun thing I can do 

97. There is no rush on my trips if I miss something on the itinerary. Instead I choose to embrace the changes.

98. I deserve to experience the wonders of the world

99. My journey to new locations is always peaceful and rewarding

100. The world is my oyster to travel and I can go anywhere I set my mind to.

101. I deserve to enjoy my dream destination

102. I nourish my body with healthy food when I travel

103. I have full confidence in the transportations during my travels

104. I am happy and safe always

105. I attract success and a wild adventure

106. My perfect trip is around the corner

107. All of my travel dreams are coming true

108. My travel fortune is by my design

109. There are no mistakes in my trips – only positive memories

110. My soul thrives when I travel

111. I have an abundant amount of energy when I travel

112. I find pleasure in discovering hidden gems

113. I am an explorer

114. I am resilient in the face of challenges that may come my way.

115. I make great decisions when I travel

116. Travel frees my mind

117. Travel allows me to experience new things

118. Travel allows me to connect with nature

119. Travel allows me to tap into my inner strength

120. I choose only to have positive thoughts throughout my trip

121. I have packed everything I need for an amazing holiday

122. My accommodations that I booked are perfect for me

123. I will stay hydrated throughout my trip

124. I will prioritize rest and recovery

125. I am well informed about my travels

126. I make saving for travels apart of my budget

127. I have an excellent relationship with money

128. I believe in my ability to earn money for my holidays

129. I live each day with an open mind

130. Travel allows me to broaden my horizons

131. I have all my travel documents in order

132. If I ever do experience any harm during my trip, I will know to not let it ruin my entire experience

133. I am not my anxiety

134. My body will carry me efficiently during my journeys

135. I am grateful to be in a position that allows me to travel

136. I release control of my itinerary

137. I welcome peace and happiness in my interactions with others

138. I am protected.

139. I love being on a plane

140. I love long haul flights to see a different part of the world.

140. Travelling provides an inspiration for me

141. I am deeply fortunate to be in a position to travel

142. Wherever the road takes me, I know I will remain calm and happy

143. I meet kind people who will help me on my journey

144. I try to do something new on each of my trips

145. My funds for traveling are unlimited

146. I am creating a life of my dreams

147. Travelling is a great luxury in life

148. I am open to advice from others on places they recommend for me to visit

149. My next trip is around the corner.

150. I enjoy bringing my loved ones on my adventure

151. I choose to handle unexpected situations gracefully

152. I will discover and enjoy local cuisine

153. Travel allows me to focus on myself.

154. Travelling is my second home

155. Travelling makes me feel stronger and more resilient

156. I travel in style

157. Visiting places far away is fun

158. Incredible things are headed my way when I travel

159. Travel helps me inhale positivity and let go of negativity.

160. I love the person I become when I travel.

affirmations for travel

What Are Travel Affirmations?

Affirmations are statements with positive meanings. It is used to help you believe that you can overcome something or some stumbling block. 

It is usually the start of a process that you undertake to see some form of positive change.

In this case, by using the right travel affirmations, you can slowly start to believe that you are deserving of a travel experience and you can safely do it!

If you keep thinking, “I cannot travel alone or I do not have enough money to travel,” then your fate is sealed. 

You will not be able to travel because you believe that is the reason you cannot travel, and you will not do anything to change your situation.

However, if you start telling yourself, “I can travel alone comfortably or I will save $5,000 for my next travel adventure within 6 months.” 

Then you have a big positive travel affirmation that can help you reinforce your belief that you will travel and by when.

Affirmations will work if they are specific and relevant to your exact needs, by highlighting the result you are looking for!

How To Use Travel Affirmations?

1) List Down The Areas You Need Help With

You can start by listing down the exact areas you need help with to overcome your travel hurdles. 

Some examples of these are:

  • I do not have enough money to travel.
  • – I am scared to travel alone.
  • – I want to move to another country but I do not know if it will work out.
  • – I am scared to fly.
  • – I am scared about law enforcement in another country.
  • – I am scared that I will not make friends in a new land.
affirmations for travel

2) Change The Sentences To Create An Opposite, Positive Meaning

The same sentences above will now be switched and will have a positive tone.

  • I will save $XXX within XX months and travel to (insert location)
  • – I will protect myself when I travel alone by going to safe locations, moving in tour groups, and learning self-defense.
  • – I will learn about the new country I want to move to, and make it work.
  • – I will learn about airplanes before I fly on them.
  • – I will do research and go where my rights are protected.
  • – I will learn to make friends when I visit new locations.

Can you spot the differences in the statements? The negative statements will slowly kill your dreams. 

The positive statements work as very specific travel affirmations and provide a helicopter goal of your overall travel ambition.

affirmations for travel

3) Write Down The Specific Steps That Will Help Your Travel Affirmations Work

Now that you have your travel affirmations sorted out, you need to create a step-by-step plan on what you need to do so that it becomes true!

Just saying it out loud to yourself every day will not help if you are not consciously working towards it. 

For example, if you kept telling yourself, “I will lose 10kg by the end of the year,” but you still ate junk food and did not exercise, your affirmation would be quite useless.

affirmations for travel

Here Is What You Can Do:

  • – Pick two or three positive travel affirmations that resonate most with you
  • – Say them daily to yourself in the morning, noon and night, ideally, when you are in front of the mirror and doing personal hygiene or self-care.
  • – Write them down on areas that your eyes always land on, such as your laptop cover, your table, the back of your phone, etc.
  • – Create a structured plan on how you aim to achieve your goal.
  • – If you are trying to save money to travel, write down where the money is going to come from, how you intend to save, where you will save it, how long it will take you, etc.
  • – If you are trying to migrate to a new location, write down your plan on how you intend to research. 
  • – For example, the new location, job opportunities, living expenses, accommodation, visa requirements, safety, law enforcement, etc.
  • – If your issue is about making friends while you travel, then write down a plan that helps you join networking events, sports groups, or other interest groups and speak to new people. This way you can practice your skills before you need them urgently.
  • – Continue saying your affirmations daily while you work on making your dream come true. 

Can you see how travel affirmations can be used now? It is all about following a structured format, to see the change you are looking for.

affirmations for travel

How Would Travel Affirmations Become Harmful?

While travel affirmations are useful to help you plan your next trip and overcome the hurdles that have stopped you from traveling, they would not work for everyone.

Firstly, if you behaved in a risky manner and just blindly kept telling yourself that everything would be okay during your travel adventure and that you would be safe. 

That would not be true!

If you kept telling yourself that you have enough money for your travels but through your actions, you failed to budget properly and splurged unnecessarily. 

At the tail-end of your trip, you will be left with little to no money. 

Another way is if you kept going out at night and made it very obvious that you were alone. 

You could end up attracting the attention of someone who would want to harm or steal from you. 

Even though you are repeatedly telling yourself that you are safe during your travels, you are not behaving in a way that is keeping you safe.

Please remember to not behave in a way that counters your affirmations.


Here you go, friends! I hope you enjoyed reading this comprehensive list of affirmations for travel. 

While they are helpful in making you believe that your travel adventure will go smoothly, it is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ultimately, you still need to take concrete steps to make sure that whatever travel affirmations you say, turn out the way you have intended! 

With that, I wish you good luck in your travels and I hope you find the most useful travel affirmations from this article!

Thank you for reading my article!

Frequently Asked Questions On Affirmations For Travel

Do Affirmations Work For Manifesting?

Yes, they can align your thoughts and beliefs with what you want to manifest and can help you replace your negative beliefs with empowering ones. 

Affirmations are positive statements designed to reprogram your subconscious mind. This will put you in a better position to achieve your personal goals and dreams.

What Are Positive Affirmations For Fear Of Flying?

“I am safe”, “I can overcome my fear of flying”, “I am in control” or “I am brave when I fly” are positive affirmations you can use to overcome the fear of flying. 

Just repeat them daily or when you are in the midst of experiencing anxiety and fear during your travels. 

Can I Say Affirmations All Day?

Yes, practice affirming yourself every day of your life.

For affirmations to be effective, you will need to make it a habit. You may start with just 3 to 5 minutes daily and progressively build up as it becomes easier. 

Try reciting affirmations the minute you wake up or right before you go to bed.

Do Affirmations Come True?

Yes, they are more effective when they are future oriented. However, it will not work if you do not put in the work by regularly reciting these positive mantras.

It can take anytime for one month to a year for changes to take effect so you have to be patient with the process.

How Powerful Are Self Affirmations?

It is very powerful because it helps to build self confidence, reframe negative self talk and cultivate a positive mindset. 

By changing how your brain works, you can attract more positive experiences that can change your whole outlook on life. 

This will get you closer to your dream life and goals.

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