positive affirmations for marriage

115 POWERFUL Affirmations For Marriage Designed For Your Life (2024)

Marriage is such a tough but rewarding journey. It takes a lot of effort and hard work. Sometimes – even “heart work”. But positive affirmations for marriage can help to uplift your spirits during those challenging days.

Rather than focus on what you have less of, try to focus on repeating the affirmations I have listed below.

Believe it or not, science is on our side when it comes to affirmations. It says that a positive mindset can push you to grow as an individual and help you weather the negative storms that may come your way.

Still, sound daunting? Read on about when to use affirmations and how to use it best!


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Affirmations For Marriage

1. The love for my partner will increase over time.

2. This relationship will last a lifetime.

3. I enjoy spending time with my significant other.

4. I fully trust my partner in all aspects.

5. I enjoy being intimate with my spouse.

6. I love giving 100% to the relationship.

affirmations for marriage

7. I listen to their inner thoughts.

8. I give them enough space to be their person.

9. My partner and I resolve conflicts well.

10. I prioritize the quality of my relationship.

11. I communicate expectations clearly with my partner.

12. I am always looking to make new connections with my partner.

13. I enjoy responding to my spouse’s love languages.

14. I am perfect as is for my partner.

15. I bring joy into the relationship.

16. I do not look to blame my partner but instead look for amicable solutions as a team.

17. I put extra effort into dating my spouse.

18. I trust that God will help boost our relationship.

19. I pray constantly for the success of our relationship.

affirmations for marriage

20. I am secure in my relationship.

21. I believe in romance within a marriage.

22. I love coming home to my significant other daily.

23. I initiate physical touch with my partner.

24. I love spending time with my spouse.

affirmations for marriage

25. I know when to practice self-care.

26. My partner and I know how to set boundaries with other people outside our marriage.

27. My partner and I make each other whole.

28. I take into consideration my partner’s advice.

29. I love laughing with my spouse.

30. I enjoy playing with my husband/ wife.

31. I take my partner’s feelings very seriously.

32. I am considerate of their emotions.

33. I embrace the challenges in my marriage with my spouse.

34. I am looking forward to growing old with them.

affirmations for marriage

35. I can ask my spouse for help as I need it.

36. I take accountability for my part in the relationship.

37. I am responsible for my own emotions within the relationship.

38. I keep my marriage sacred by not sharing the details with those outside it.

39. I respect my husband/ wife as my equal partner.

40. I create new and better opportunities for us to spend time as a family.

41. I am my best self around my partner.

42. I encourage my partner to practice self-care often.

43. I enjoy having children with my partner.

44. I am a good spouse.

45. I always look at our problems as opportunities to grow as a couple.

46. I am fully committed to my marriage.

47. I control the outcome of my marriage.

48. Our marriage is a testament of love and family to the community around us.

49. I am always eager to hear how my partner’s day went.

50. Every day, our marriage grows stronger.

51. As a couple, we lean on each other’s strengths.

52. I look forward to kissing my partner daily.

affirmations for marriage

53. I love watching my spouse with the children we made together.

54. I believe in the sanctity of marriage.

55. I am aware that my spouse and I are different but we value those differences.

56. I no longer sweat the small stuff in my marriage.

57. I appreciate my spouse for working so hard at work/ at home.

58. My husband/ wife is the perfect father/ mother to our children.

59. I am grateful that he/she loves me as I am.

60. I feel contented in my relationship.

61. Marriage gets better as the days/ years go by.

62. Our relationship is open and honest.

63. My spouse and I go on date nights to frequently connect

64. I hold hands often to build connection and intimacy.

65. I choose my husband/ wife every single day.

66. Our marriage remains resilient despite the turbulent times.

67. I choose to create a peaceful home for my partner and children.

68. I do not try to change my significant other.

69. I remind myself that love is a choice.

70. I am physically and emotionally beautiful for my spouse.

71. I am worthy of my successful marriage.

affirmations for marriage

72. The hard work I put into my marriage always pays off.

73. I see great potential in my marriage.

74. My marriage is a gift that keeps on giving.

75. My partner and I are allowed to make mistakes but we both learn and grow from them.

76. My spouse and I are on to great things in life.

77. I rise about my relationship insecurities.

78. I don’t settle for any less in my marriage.

79. My marriage allows me to be my authentic self.

80. My marriage is a gift and I choose to celebrate it daily.

affirmations for marriage

81. I can grow to be my person within my relationship.

82. My husband/ wife adores me.

83. My children look up to my marriage as an example of a good relationship.

affirmations for marriage

84. Even when my spouse and I are a part, we constantly think of each other.

85. I love the boundaries I have set for myself in my marriage.

86. My marriage has been blessed by God.

87. My presence brings joy to my spouse.

88. My marriage gives me purpose.

89. I am always open to new ways to strengthen my marriage.

90. I treat my other half with kindness.

91. I am a great person and am worthy of respect from my partner.

92. I always think the best of my marriage.

93. I look at our marriage as a miracle daily.

94. My significant other and I strive for greatness every single day.

95. I might not be the perfect spouse all the time but I am exactly what he/ she needs.

96. My significant other supports me in anything I want to do in life.

97. Our marital bond is very strong. Nothing will stand in our way.

affirmations for marriage

98.Our past mistakes do not define our marriage.

99. I have the power and freedom to define my marriage.

100. My spouse and I bring out the best in each other.

101. I have great ideas and seek to contribute to my marriage often.

102. I trust the journey my spouse and I are taking for this marriage.

103. I am mindful that marriage is hard work but that I will be prepared to put in the effort

104. My marriage gets better every single day.

105. That happiness is not the ultimate goal of marriage but going the distance is.

106. I make choices that align with what is best for my marriage.

107. I cannot be more thankful for having an amazing spouse.

108. I am cherishing all the small moments in marriage and keeping them close to my heart.

109. I have earned the marriage I am in.

110. I am naturally curious about my spouse.

111. I am ready to be loved by my husband/ wife daily.

112. I am allowing marital blessings to come into my life.

113. I will practice more self-love within my marriage.

114. I always radiate positive vibes in my relationship.

115. I share my fears with my partner and trust that they will help me go through them together.

affirmations for marriage

What Are Affirmations For Marriage?

Marriage is built on trust, love, and respect. Marriage affirmations are essentially positive words you repeat on a daily/ weekly basis to better communicate and connect with your significant other.

These statements serve as a mantra to bring love and passion into your life once again. You can either say these phrases by yourself or recite them to your partner.

How To Use Affirmations In My Daily Life?

Perhaps you like reciting these statements when you are stuck in your daily commute. For others, it could be saying these phrases in front of the mirror as you wake up in the morning.

If you want to further strengthen your relationship, getting your partner on board with this process is equally if not more important.

By doing daily affirmations for couples, not only do you affirm your relationship but it serves as a reminder of your marital vows that you took not too long ago.

Do Affirmations Work For Relationships?

Absolutely – provided you do the work. You need to learn to be patient. It might take time for you to see positive changes in not just yourself but also in your partner.

There is great serenity that comes along with your affirmations for love and marriage. You can also see a direct correlation to your positive mood when you recite these affirmations to have a happier marriage.

Our list above doesn’t just cover individual affirmations for marriage but it includes words of affirmation for wife or husband.

Final Thoughts On Positive Affirmations For Marriage

And there, you have it – all 115 positive affirmations for your marriage! 

Remember you need to use these affirmations consistently for it to work.

I use these affirmations in times of joy but more importantly in times of struggle to remind myself that investing in my marriage is hard work.

The more you make these changes to not only yourself, the more you will bear witness to the positive changes in your marriage and family life.

Taking the time to celebrate, support, and affirm your marriage, it will serve to invite more love into your life.

Let me know in the comments if you use affirmations in your daily life!

Frequently Asked Questions On Affirmations For Marriage

How Do You Manifest For A Happy Married Life?

Decide what a happy married life looks life for you and your spouse. Get a vision board prepared so that the both of you can visualise it together.

Look at it daily with your partner and align your actions to the goals that have been set. Finally, surrender to the universe or God.

 Do Affirmations Work To Attract Love?

Yes, affirmations help to attract love by reminding you and incorporating self truth you may be neglecting in your relationship.

Repeating these mantras affects you subconsciously because you are always hearing them throughout your day.

They also help in opposing self-limiting beliefs that will come up now and then in your life.

Can Affirmations Change Your Relationship?

Yes, positive relationship affirmations allow you to focus on gratitude and to build a growth mindset around your relationship.

Renowned psychologist like Dr.. John Gottman have mentioned that these are one of the factors in a long lasting romantic partnership.

These affirmations can help you to think positively when you experience challenges as a couple.

How Many Times Should You Repeat Affirmations?

Several times a day especially when you find yourself spiralling into all the negative self talk or even engaging in negative behavior.

Positive talk has can actually become self fulfilling prophecies which can alter your life.

Affirmations are only effective if you use them alongside other strategies such as visualisation and goal setting.

What Is The Best Time For Affirmations?

Positive morning mantras work best because it sets the tone for how the day will be.

All you need to do is to pick a phrase or phrases and repeat them first thing in the morning.

Positive affirmations can boost your self esteem and replace subconscious patterns with empowering ones that will reshape your life.

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