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17 SUPRISING Reasons Why Your Husband Always On His Phone

Is your husband always on his phone? Do you want to know why this happens and what to do about it?

Being with a partner glued to the screen can be very disengaging. You often feel invisible and alone in your relationship. You might as well be talking to the wall, eh?

But let’s be honest; you do need to have undivided attention from your partner to sustain your relationship in the long run.

Don’t worry! I will share the signs of phone addiction, reasons for doing that, and some helpful tips to help you overcome this problem in your marriage.

Interested? Let’s read on!


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husband always on his phone

20 Signs He Is Addicted To His Phone

1. He is spending all day glued to the screen

2. He checks his phone the first thing after waking up

3. He checks his screen throughout the night

4. He brings his phone to the toilet

5. Uses the smartphone even while driving

6. Feeling anxious whenever he is not on his phone

7. Feeling as if there is a phone call/ message even when there is none

8. Using his phone throughout the meal

9. Loses concentration at work

10. Suffers from insomnia

11. Lying about phone use

12. Neglect chores at home

13. Your concern about his phone use falls on deaf ears

14. Gets moodier when the phone is not within reach

15. Gets defensive when you remind him of his phone use

16. Non-existent social life

17. Constant fear of missing out

18. Accidents/injuries due to excessive phone use

19. Isolation from loved ones

20. Having to work into the night to complete assigned tasks

17 Reasons Why Your Husband Spends All His Time On His Phone

1. Social Media Is Addictive

So, what does it mean when your husband is always on his phone?

Social media induces dopamine (feel-good) hormones, which explains why people can spend countless hours just doom scrolling with no end in sight.

Did you know that giant social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter illicit the same neural circuitry as gambling and recreational drugs?

husband always on his phone

Sure, it is hurtful when he is on the phone so much but what if, instead of nagging at him for doing it…..

You actually get him something useful that he will love you for? Sounds odd, eh but the new gadget may just remind him more of his sweet and thoughtful wife! Win win for both, eh? 😉

2. Loses Track Of Time

Yes, there are now apps/ trackers on the phone to detect how much you use your phone/ apps daily.

However, how many of them monitor this usage? This is why he may feel he only spends an hour everyday when the actual use could be as high as 3 hours daily.

3. Huge Fear Of Missing Out

 Perhaps he is going through a mid-life/quarter-life crisis where he feels missing out on what is happening with his friends/ trending topics/ ideas. Him being glued to the phone provides him with much-needed security.

4. Uses To Avoid Discomfort

 The short and frequent dopamine hits you get from the phone help him to forget his problems. Getting lost in other people’s supposed lives is more accessible, whether marital or work stress.

So if your husband refuses to talk about problems, know he is just avoiding the uncomfortable.

5. Someone Else Is There

Do you feel that he is secretive with his phone?

This might be uncomfortable to hear. He could be cheating on you, whether it be emotionally or physically.

Someone else is making him feel good, and because he cannot be physically present with the person, the only connection he gets is through the phone.

6. He Is Upset With You

Feeling like my husband is always on his phone?

There is something that is bothering him about you. Perhaps he is unable to open up for fear of confrontation. It is just easier to look at a plain screen.

7. He Is Depressed

Depression can rear its ugly head in many ways. One of them is addiction.

8. He Has An Avoidance Personality

Rather than engaging with you to discuss issues about your marriage or life in general, he finds it easier to hide behind a phone.

9. He Is Bored With Your Marriage

Not a fun thought. But could I be bored of the day-to-day life with you?

I am not saying this is justified, but it is a fact that he is not interested in engaging with you because, well, he no longer finds you fascinating or someone he wants to share his life with.

10. He Is Highly Overworked

My husband is currently the primary breadwinner, so he almost always responds to his client’s/bosses’ calls or texts. It can feel lonely sometimes, but I understand it is a part of the job, and I try my best to understand it.

11. Unable To Detach

Why is my husband always on his phone, you ask?

Let’s face it. Technology has dramatically improved our lives, but everything has an app. From paying your bills to tracking your fitness, the lines are blurred between reality and technology.

Similarly, he is unable to detach himself from its usage.

Having a husband always on his phone can ruin your marriage in the long run.

12. You Do It Too – Or Used To Do It

Women are more addicted to their phones than men. Could he have taken a cue from you? It’s easy to pinpoint other people doing it but ask yourself if you are guilty of this too.

13. He Is Keeping Secrets From You

Does the thought that my husband won’t let me see his phone come to your head often?

If so, he may not just be having an affair; maybe he is struggling with a mountain of debt and uses the phone to cope with his anxiety.

husband always on his phone

14. He Feels Neglected

Why does my husband spend so much time on his phone?

He might be turning to the phone because he feels neglected at home.

15. He Wants Out

 He doesn’t know how to tell you this but wants to leave the marriage.

16. He Is Overweight

Is your husband always on his phone?

Well, he probably avoids physical activity and enjoys sitting on a couch/ bed, mindlessly scrolling to prevent any form of movement.

17. He Wants To Unwind

I am sure you should know this by now but men love their personal space. They are not like women who enjoy sitting around a table sharing their true thoughts and anxiety with their girlfriends.

They simply want to be left ALONE (or maybe with their mobile phones to allow them to space out)

What Should I Do If My Husband Is Always On His Phone? 18 Tips

1. Negotiate

He is not going to be able to go cold turkey. Consider asking him to limit his phone usage. Start small. Limit his screen time when having dinner with you and the children.

2. Set Boundaries

Like negotiation, ask him how he would like to be told when he oversteps his phone limit usage. He may appreciate a gentle reminder instead of you nagging at him.

3. Make Life More Interesting

How do you make him feel at home? Do you run up to him and hug him the minute he comes home? Or do you hand over the kids and start complaining about how hard your day has been?

Are you genuinely curious about his day at work? His interests? What keeps him up at night?

Life can become pretty routine after a while, but if you are looking for a sustainable relationship, you must make yourself and your environment more appealing to him.

4. Spend Time In The Wild

Go off the grid and give up your mobile phones as a family. Consider a picnic at a nearby waterfall when you bask in the glory of the sunrise while enjoying some hearty sandwiches.

That way, the feeling that your husband is always on his phone will no longer be there as you keep him busy with life!

5. Have A No-Phone Zone In The Bedroom

 This is a tough recommendation, I know! Especially since our phones have alarm clocks, sleep trackers, etc. But hear me out!

The bedroom should be a place of intimacy and peace. So put your phones and engage with each other.

6. Exercise Together

Sign up for a fitness class together. It’s a way to get those good endorphins while remaining healthy for your family!

7. Get Some Sun In

Research has shown that people are not getting as much sun as they once were, significantly impacts their moods.

8. Don’t Go Through His Phone

If you have trespassed on his phone to monitor his usage, know that this will create further anxiety in him. So please respect his space.

I know it is tough when you feel my husband is secretive with his phone, but I assure you, it is for the best that you honor his boundaries.

9. Meditate Together

Nowadays, there are apps for meditation which ludicrous. All you need to do is sit quietly with your partner to enjoy peace and serenity.

10. Plan A Trip Without Your Phones

Sounds like the 90s? Well, trust me, you can do this. The more manual you live, the more conversation you will have with your dear husband.

Did you know the island of Ulko Tammio in Finland recently launched a no-phone policy?

Husband always on his phone

11. Ask Him To Delete Unnecessary Apps

 Ask him if he is okay with deleting apps he doesn’t regularly use. You would be surprised at how many notifications those unused apps send you daily.

Need help figuring out how to do this? Check out this simple-to-use guide!

12. Turn Off Notifications

Ever since I had a conversation with my husband over his screen usage, he now puts his phone in a setting called ‘do not disturb’ whenever he is at home. As a result, he has become present in our lives.

 13. Ask Him To Charge His Phone Away From The Bed

We do it out of convenience, but having it so close to the place you sleep will never help with his phone addiction.

14. Share Your Concerns In A Kind Manner

Avoid passing judgment or criticism on him. We do not know why he is truly struggling with this addiction.

He might be able to open up to you if you provide grace to him.

15. Put A Hairband On His Phone (With His Permission, Of Course)

The hairband trick reminds you to be more mindful about phone usage instead of mindlessly checking your phone every 2 minutes.

16. Set A Longer Passcode

Ask him to get a longer password. He will soon find it more exhausting to key it in each time, which may indirectly reduce his phone usage.

17. Set The Screen To Black And White

Get him to set his phone screen to black and white. Using such monotonous colors can lead to deterrence in using his phone frequently.

18. Keep The Spark Alive

When was the last time you surprised him at work? Have you cooked him his favorite hearty meal?

You have to find ways to be more interesting than the piece of the device he has on.

This article has further tips on keeping your romance alive!

Husband always on his phone

FAQ On Husband Always On His Phone

Should A Wife Go Through Her Husband’s Phone?

Ask for permission if you need to use your partner’s phone. Marriage is hardly the time to invade their privacy.

It is a huge sign of disrespect and distrust once you do that to your partner. Ask yourself if you would be agreeable if someone did that to you. Definitely not, right?

Should Married Couples Share Phone Passwords?

It is for you and your significant other to discuss at length. They should never feel pressured or forced to share their passwords if they don’t want to.

Everyone deserves as much or as little digital privacy as they wish. So be sure to be respectful of each other’s wishes.

Can You Stay Married Without Trust?

Without complete trust, it is impossible for two people to stick together (happily) in a relationship.

Trust keeps most people together for the long run, especially as things get more challenging in a relationship. Remember that trust is created in the small moments.

Over time, it provides the foundation for a solid relationship.

How Do You Politely Tell Someone To Get Off Their Phone?

The key to being polite is to be well-mannered. Ask them nicely if they are able to get off their phone.

Share with them how you feel when they are glued to their mobile devices, as you want to seek connection and engagement with them. It should make them reconsider their phone usage habits.

What Does It Mean When Your Husband Is Always On His Phone

Your husband may be using technology to avoid vulnerability and as a way to mask discomfort.

Unfortunately, many of us aren’t raised with the skills and emotional practice to sit in our uncomfortable thoughts.

So his avoidance of real-life issues and conversations are normal in a lot of marriages but shouldn’t be allowed to fester.

Husband always on his phone


So there you have it, folks! Some signs he is addicted to his phone, some practical solutions that can help, and why he might be doing it so you can better understand him.

I understand that it wasn’t easy to Google ‘husband always on his phone,’ but I am proud you first researched this common marriage problem.

Did you find any of it useful? Do you know of any other solutions that can help? Please mention it in the comments below to learn from each other! 🙂

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